
International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation (IPSF) is one of the world’s oldest international student volunteer organization. IPSF is the leading international advocacy organization for pharmacy students with the aim to promote improved public health through provision of information, education, networking as well as a range of publications and professional initiatives. Today, the Federation represents over 350,000 pharmacy students and young graduates from 84 countries worldwide.
Asia Pacific Regional Office (APRO) is the functional extension of the IPSF Executive structured by elected pharmacy students from IPSF member from Asia Pacific regions forming Regional Working Group. Its mission shall be to advance and support the aims and objectives of the Federation at regional level.
On 23rd February 2010, Green Lung had signed a MOU with IPSF-APRO, denoting an official partnership and collaboration between Green Lung and IPSF-APRO in promoting smoke-free initiatives in Asia Pacific region especially among the students in advocating for smoke-free campuses. Green Lung is looking forwards to more exciting projects and events in collaboration with IPSF-APRO in the near future.

Clearinghouse for Tobacco Control
C-Tob is one of the main thrusts of The National Poison Centre in addressing issues pertaining to tobacco use. C-Tob was established in October 1, 2001 with the support from the Rockfeller Foundation, U.S.A. C-Tob works in collaboration with various governmental and non-governmental organizations, both locally and internationally to garner and disseminate evidence-based information on tobacco control. Since Green Lung's establishment, C-Tob has been providing their expert advice to Green Lung not only in terms of technical support, but also capacity building training.

Health Promotion Board
Malaysian Health Promotion Board (MPHB) is a statutory body placed under the Ministry of Health.  It was established in June 2006 by the Act of Parliament (Act 651) which was officially gazetted on 1 April 2007.  It is governed by an independent body consisting of representatives from relevant Ministries, NGOs, and professionals who possess expertise relevant to health promotion.
Throughout the year, MPHB has been allocating grant to Green Lung in supporting us to train our members and more youths to get themselves involved in tobacco control initiatives and efforts.